Available Positions
Graduate/Undergraduate/Postdoc positions available in the Quantum Optics Lab at WSU
We are always looking for highly motivated researchers, including postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and undergraduate students, who enjoy both quantum physics and hand-skill experiments with lasers and atoms, to join our research group to explore the amazing quantum world. Our group mainly focuses on the study of experimental quantum optics with laser-cooled atomic arrays and ensembles, and their applications to quantum information science and many-body physics. The successful candidates will have the opportunity to build a new cold atom system to study the quantum entanglement of photons and atoms, generate multiqubit gates for quantum networking, realize the quantum interface between qubits, and so on. Please see below for available positions and how to apply.
Postdoctoral Fellow
We are currently looking for one postdoctoral researcher. An ideal postdoctoral candidate should have the potential to build a cold atomic array system and develop a new experimental application in quantum optics and many-body physics. A strong background in quantum optics, laser cooling and trapping, optical tweezers, atomic physics, and/or related fields is preferred. Please email Dr. Mei directly with your research interests and CV.
Graduate Students
We are currently looking for one PhD students. We welcome Master students as well. Candidates for PhD/Master students should have either Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in physics, quantum optics, cold atoms, or related fields. Students already accepted or enrolled at WSU should email Dr. Mei directly. Prospective PhD/Master students can learn more about the graduate program and apply here.
Undergraduate Students
If you are interested in quantum optics, please email Dr. Mei directly.
Yefeng Mei, Dr.
William Band Distinguished Assistant Professor in Physics
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Washington State University
Email: yefeng.mei@wsu.edu